Where my Dance Journey began...
What do you need to know about me and my journey in the dance industry? Well I'm Ronnia Ashworth from Burnley, Lanchashire. At just 20 years old I am a fully qualified ISTD Ballet, Tap and Modern teacher and Level 2 exercise to music instructor. I currently work for 3 different dance school/companies being Pendle Academy of Dancing and Preforming Arts (Colne), Prestige School of Dancing (Chorley) and Baby Ballet Burnley. Teaching a variety of different genres.
Where it all began...
At the age of 3 my mother took me to dance classes on Saturday mornings starting with ballet and tap, but little did she know that them cold Saturday mornings in Burnley was the start of my very exciting career. Unfortunately for my mum them Saturday mornings turned to Monday - Thursday nights at dancing as I became older and stronger as a dancer taking on more genres of dance such as Modern and acrobatics.
At first I didn't know I wanted to become a dance teacher I started to help out at my dance school at the age of 14 with the preschool classes assisting my teaching as I've always enjoyed working with children. I was with my dance school up to the age of 16 before leaving high school and me and my dance teacher had a discussion about my next step in my career as I didn't want to become a vet anymore not after my work experience anyway, well that's another story to tell...
She mentioned Preston's Dance Academy where she was covering hours at that moment in time we discussed that I can finish off my ISTD dancing qualifications as well as starting my DDI's and DDE's. so we decided after speaking to my mum about it, to send off my application form to audition for the college.
The Audition...
I remember that day like it was yesterday, looking around the room seeing all the applicants I was up against to gain a spot on the dance academy. The first thing we had to do was our solos I felt confident with mine as it was in my favorite genre of dance which was modern and I had been working on it for the 3 weeks leading up to the audition. As i expected it went well next was ballet and tap class that went great to but then we had a street class...WELL... this is a style that I had never done before prior to college and lets say after that class my heart sank as I felt I was not going to achieve my spot for the course. After a long day of auditioning the teachers and staff members of the dance academy made there decision there and then on the day and invited us in one and a time either to congratulate us and achieving the spot or telling us that this year wasn't the time for us.
I walked into the room sat there with my mum and dad with my heart in my throat just thinking about that street class, then they said... "we want to offer you a spot on the course" the relief they gave me with just them few words was unbelievable as i did not want to attend any other college or sixth form to do A levels as that wasn't for me.
Preston's Dance Academy

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