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Task 3a: Current Networks

What are the current and different ways (tools) that you have, or do, engage your professional network?

A main professional network I have been using is social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. As its now a much stronger form of networking to connect with people as now they have group pages forming in certain professions. For example I am in a group called "Dancers & Dance Teachers" "ISTD Dance teachers" and others. This is where members of the group can ask each other questions relating to dance and also to share ideas, music, lesson plans, talk about experiences you have had and be connected with other dance teachers. Also Job vacancies often get posted if a dance school is looking for a new teacher or some company is looking for dancers. These groups are really beneficial as I am always connected with up coming events and opportunities for me and my students. 

What are the established (and different) ways that others use their networks, especially if they are more established or experienced practitioners that you admire?

There are more established ways that other use their networks and the more experiences practitioner I admire and showed me these other ways is my boss. After having a chat with her about social networking I asked her what does she use to keep in contact with others in the same profession. She mentioned social networking like Facebook group, but she did also introduce me to another networking website which is called "LinkedIn". I googled what exactly LinkedIn was, it turned out to be "one of the most popular social platforms today" It is also very similar to Facebook except its from professionals and it also has its own blog feature to publish your thoughts and ideas.

Are there methods, approaches and technologies that you use socially that might apply and help you develop your professional networking?

The method and approaches to help develop my professional networking is to try stay connected to others as much as possible and join in any conversation that is in my field of expertise that may help others. I've recently found out there is a Facebook group for teaching pre-school age called "Early Childhood Dance Teachers" This is specific teaching group for ages 2-5 which I teach quite often so by speaking to other teachers who teach that age and share ideas and different teaching technique this not only helps me with my professional teaching but also my networking as its a group of teachers coming together for a certain age range and not just dance in general.

When you reflect upon current networks, can you think about the motives of others to be in the network and what values and purpose they have in mind?

When reflecting on my current networks being new to teaching, gets me excited to get into teaching more. By developing my skills and learn from experienced teachers in my network on what method they find beneficial to help students achieve their best, why they like there job so much, what difficulties do they come across. Speaking to some experienced teachers most of them say they love their jobs even more when they see there students achieve and develop there knowledge and skills. Watching them grow in themselves with confidence. I feel after being in the teaching profession since September 2016, I have seen myself, students achieve things and grow especially working with young students who are always developing and learning everyday.  It makes me feel happy and proud of them all and shows that hard work pays off. Asking them why they teach, they said it's about having the knowledge and skills to pass on to others. I feel that you also have to have a lot of passion and love for dance as well as the knowledge to inspire new upcoming young dancers.

What would your ideal network look like and why?
It's hard to have a 'perfect' ideal network as other net-workers as well as yourself have to be fully committed in communicating about topics and ideas. My ideal network won't just rely on social media and web 2.0 but also I will have face-to-face conversations with other teachers and also inspiring anyone who is thinking in going down the same career as me.

What realistic things could you do to work towards developing your ideal network?
There are a few realistic things i could with are;
1. Use social media more to advertise myself. (I was inspired by Lauren's blog when she referenced a website about "benefits of social networking for teachers") This was a very interesting read.
2. Attend more ISTD work shops, this will allow me to met various different teachers from all over the world.
3. Following and making myself known to local dance school and nursery. 

What tools and methods do you need to use? What do you know about your current, and intended networks and importantly, what do you not know? 

I will be using web 2.0 to help create my ideal network by interacting with teachers and try to engage in more topics and questions in groups on social media and try to join more teachers group to widen networks with others and opportunities. As they say "its not what you know it who you know" and a small over lap of the two for opportunities, which I have been very fortunate with some of my dance teaching jobs its been through old dance teachers who have taught me in the past and at the time of my graduating from college they were looking for a new teacher. I've learnt so much on networking and learnt that you are always learning, the more I learn, the more I can pass on.


  1. Hi Ronnia, I really like the last image you've incorporated in this post. I think sometimes we separate the who we know and what we know. It's a nice idea that we can combine the two to reach the best outcome.


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