4D - Important Literature
After researching and researching into my inquiry and questions I have flying around my head. I finally came across some literature I find important to my inquiry and here they are...1. Teaching with the brain in mind 2nd Edition. by Eric Jensen.
Chapter 4: Movement and Learning
Publisher: Association for supervision & Curriculum Development; 2nd ed. (30 May 2005)
This first piece of literature I found rather and interesting read and relevant to my practice as it talks about links between movement and learning. Looking at scientific views of the brain and how physical activity and play helps improve behavior and performance in the classroom. It also talks about "simple biology supports an obvious link between movement and learning." As oxygen is essential for brain function and enhanced blood flow increases the amount of oxygen transported to the brain" and physical activity is a reliable key for this to happen.
It also questions why we should be concerned whether student and children take part in physical activity. As it helps to develop and shape up muscles, vital organs and bones, but also "strengthens the basal ganglia, cerebellum and corpus callosum - all key areas of the brain."
It also provides a multiple of researches who have researched into my topic of interest and I will be looking further into.
2. NDEO - Advancing Dance Education in the Arts - Standards for Dance in Early Childhood
It's a short article describing the philosophy behind early childhood standards and the benefits of dance and educational philosophy. This article talks more about cognitive theorists such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget and Howard Gardner and how they have researched into how dance/movement helps develop children's educations not just in the arts and dance but how it develops there literacy. I will be researching further into other materials to find out more about this.
3. THE CREATIVITY POST - The Benefits of Movement in Schools.
Another piece of literature I found very interesting to read it talk about how movement breaks during the school day can help improve students behavior and concentration. Also incorporating dance/movement into the classroom lessons helps children understand and remember information better. This article gives me interesting points and more resources to look further into to gather as much information as possible to help me to develop my inquiry plan.
Feel free to comment if you have found any other resources which you found interesting to read.
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