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Task 2c: Reflective Theory

This task is focusing on my relationship with reflective practice, looking at existing tools with the use of critical thinking. My first thoughts when reading this task was what exactly in critical thinking? what is the definition? 

I researched and came across that in fact there is no right or wrong answer.

  1.  "Critical thinking is to challenge a theory or a idea" 
  2. "critical thinking is the analysis of a situation based on facts..."
  3.  "critical thinking is looking at one's work or situation with value judgement" 
These are just a few definition that I hand-picked out from "Critical thinking: An Exploration of theory and practice by Jennifer Moon" (Moon, J 2007) As I feel these helped me out the most. 
Also finding a diagram of a cycle about critical thinking skills (Boundless, 2016) really helped with my understanding (see picture to the right), because I am a visual learner. So having it there as a reminder was very beneficial to me so I thought to share it with you.

So using what I have learnt, my relationship so far with reflective practice is that I was already doing it in my professional practice without noticing. One method springs to mind I use a lot is, Schön's method to reflective practice. First being 'reflection-in-action' for example in my profession in the studio, if something didn't fit with the music or my choreography didn't suit the students. I would think and reflect and decide there and then what will look better on them. Schön's method was surprising to me that I actually have been using this a lot in my professional practice but with out realizing. 
Sometimes though I may go blank in classes and have a block of creativity, so then I would use Schön's 'reflections-on-action' where I would go home and think about it and come back to it the following the lesson with some inspiration.

Robert Kottcamp puts forward that reflection-in-action is harder to achieve. I feel personally that in reader 2 that Kottcamp's view depends what profession you come from. As for me I find it personally easier to think on the spot and in a dance class you have always got to be on your toes on how you can adapt exercises and choreography for students. Even if its whether they are struggling or even making it harder to push your students and help them achieve higher. If your background/profession is more academic your probably going to be used/find it easier to thinking back and reflect, like Kottcamp. Don't get me wrong I do also think back after classes on situations and think how I can resolve them. Evaluating everything I have learnt is that I use both reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action the exact same and don't favor/find one easier to do.

"Teachers use many strategies to guide students through a period of reflection. We offer several here: discussions, interviews, questioning, and logs and journals." 
(Costa L. A, & Kallick, B. n.a) 

Previously I have also been introducing reflection in my classes for example, when learning a new exercise I will let the students have time to think about or another way would be that we would move on and later in the class I would ask question about that exercise let them reflect on it before answering to see if they could remember what I have told them. From experiencing this I feel that this is very beneficial to my students as it helps them remember the exercises/choreography better.
Looking back now I've realized that I also used 'reflection-on-action' when learning myself by leaving something and coming back to it to read over again.

With my reflective practice I have also learnt what kind of leaner I am. I have always thought I was a kinaesthetic learner as I have always been very active. 
But when using reflective practice in my profession I came across VAK (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic). Howard Gardner talked about this idea from reader 2 and that "they should not limit you by making you feel you are one kind of learner but they can be used as a tool for your understanding of how you and others learn. I have realized that I was NOT just a kinaesthetic learner but in fact I'm actually a VAK learner when in theory work and also in a practical environment such as my classes. As a teacher Gardner has helped me understand how other learn as well that everybody will be different. To become a better educator and pass on my knowledge I am currently looking into how I can adapt my lessons for different learners. I will keep my progress updated with this in my personal journal and on my blog.

Hope you enjoyed this blog about my reflective practice and what learner I actually am. Love to hear about your experiences please comment and share.


  • Boundless (2016). Critical Thinking. Boundless Statistics Boundless, [Online] Availble: Last accessed 27/03/17
  • Costa L. A, & Kallick, B. (n.a). Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: Chapter 12. Learning Through Reflection. [online]Available: Last accessed 26/03/17
  • Moon, J (2007). Critical thinking: An Exploration of Theory and PracticeNew York: Routledge. p21.


  1. Hi Ronnia
    Our blogs are all so personal but I found three key points jumped out at me.
    With reference to reflective practice in your professional practice you write that you are doing it without noticing it. This is the same for me. It is a tool that a use but it is almost a habit as I don't need to remember to do it.
    Secondly, I believe you giving time for your students to reflect, either to see if they have remembered what you instructed them, or what they can bring to it, is very positive practice. Too often we are asked our opinion or thoughts and an instant answer is expected.
    And lastly, your idea of adapting lessons for different learners. Not in a way that segregates but includes all but with a system that is most benefical to their individual needs.

    1. Hi Amanda,
      I totally agree that using reflective practice is becoming "almost a habit" like you said and that I don't have to think about doing it, like yourself. I also felt that giving the students time to reflect was positive practice to as they didn't feel as much pressure as they had time to collect their thoughts.
      As you say when adapting my lessons for different learners, not in a way that segregates them from each other but what actually brings them together.

      Thank you for you comment 😃

  2. Hi Ronnia
    Re-visited your blog today and made a note of the references you used as some of them were new to me. Found them really useful thanks.


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