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1b. Harnessing Collective Intelligence

What is collective intelligence?

Collective intelligence is an active field of research that predates the web, when groups of individuals collaborate or compete with each other, intelligence or behavior that otherwise didn't exist suddenly emerges; this is commonly known as collective intelligence.

Obviously methods of collective intelligence existed before the internet. By using the web now gives us the ability to collect information from thousands or even millions of people. So using the web has now opened up many new possibilities. As Feenberg and Bakardjieva (2004) "identified that Web 2.0 allowed communities to develop beyond their 'existing professional networks' and offer a 'social space for people, strangers and almost strangers with diverse backgrounds to come together as equals, as generators of ideas, to deliberate and act collectively"

This made me think about how and what people use the web for. For example people are always using the web to purchase, do research, seeking out entertainment, building their own business websites, pages and accounts, as well as a separate social accounts. 

"Web 2.0 platforms are designed to encourage social interactions." 

This is when you can link your space with others, where your data can be searched, indexed and positioned allowing you to connect with others. Web 2.0 platforms help promote dance schools and upcoming events when users like, comment and share the posts/pages. The research that these web 2.0 platforms perform can be monitored and derive information without having to ask the user any questions.

Gruber (2007) suggests "three components of an online system that support collective intelligence and the benefits that might be gained from the idea that in a web 2.0 platform like Facebook, the fact this is over 500 million members it the valuable and useful tool for social interaction and sharing"

1. A social system
2. A search engine
3. Intelligent user

"web 2.0 platforms generally provide the user with all three of Gruber's processes" 

The more people share and research for information and other users allows the system to continuously grow and become better. Also allowing web 2.0 platforms to evolve and grow too, with the sheer amount of numbers of users (which has amazingly grown in the past 5 years) all contribute towards collective intelligence. Web 2.0 platform like Facebook, recommends things to you with you may like (friends,pages, groups etc.) as they relate to the friends you already have and the pages and groups etc you follow/like.

All quotes can be found in BAPP Arts Reader 1 Professional communication technologies 2016/2017


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