6B - Inquiry tools
This task asks us to critical reflect on the inquiry tools that will address my inquiry question.
1. rich source of information/opinions
2. Adaptable
3. can be easily repeated
1. Time consuming
2. could intemperate the answers wrong
3. Interviewer could influence the answers.
I am planning on interview dance teachers and school teachers for my inquiry. The teachers being from different areas, experience and different ages they teach. For example...
1. A new dance teacher
2. A more experience dance teacher
3. A Primary school teacher
4. A primary school teacher who teaches dance to.
5. Pre-school dance teacher
I feel this will cover my inquiry area in both dance and school environment. With covering the age ranges of students from 6 months - 20 years. I am planning on doing a face-to-face interview for my inquiry with at least one of these teacher, but if for some reason I am unable to I will be considering a Skype call instead.
My questions for the interview will be semi-structured so I have time to talk about other issues and considerations that may arise. Each interview will have the same set questions, but they also might be some unplanned questions to discuss further into points. I will be taking notes during the interview but also I will be voice recording it in case I miss writing something down.
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