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Task 3B: Theories relating to networking and my profession

Reader 3 is full of different theories within networking, I enjoyed reading into all these theories. I have picked two of those theories affiliation and cooperation that relate to my profession.


Definition: is the act of connecting or associating with a person or organization

"Larson, Csikszentmihalyi and Graef (1982) found that adolescents spent about 75 per cent of their waking time with other people." working with adolescents is very interesting as I personally see how they thrive off each other when connected, especially when they haven't seen each other over the holidays. Affiliation is a social progress which gives us a "network of support that will help us when we are in need" I wouldn't say I struggle to make decisions for myself but i do like a re-assurance now and then from more experienced professionals as I am new to this industry.  I feel as a teacher for my students they like to know that I am always there for re-assurance and I feel I have formed a bond with them that they can come and talk to me about anything.  
On the other side as it states in the reader that there is a balance and some people do need that space and that alone time whether its to seek their privacy at preferred levels. I feel as being the arts we are all a lot more expressive than other occupations and do like to express our self to others. I also feel that when using affiliation to network I feel its the most natural theory for me to help develop my profession and networking.


Cooperation "is closely associated with game theory" I found this very interesting to read into especially looking into 'Prisoner's dilemma' as it focuses on the benefits and results and the decisions to cooperate or not. It also shows by working together you have a better outcome than not cooperating at all.
It's a theory for that people are in a relationship purely there for a known reason as it states in reader 3  "cooperate till maximum benefit then defect" sometimes people/businesses fail to cooperate and communicate even though if they did they would have a better outcome of the situation. I feel it is a very professional way of networking especially in a competitive business/industry. The arts is competitive whether your a dancer/performer or teacher. As your always competing to be the best or pushing students to achieve their best. Cooperation in my profession is very important whether its with a peer college or directors organizing shows and performances for student. Also cooperation with teacher and student is vital for the student to exceed achievements by cooperating with the teacher and listening and working on correction. Referring back to the quote from reader 3 "cooperate til maximum benefit then defect"  I feel taking advantage of people then dropping them is the wrong way in this industry as it's everyone seems to cross paths in someway and talk about others and i would hate to be known by word of mouth for using people and dropping them. I feel like in law this theory will be very beneficial as you fight against your opponent to draw information out of them until the case is done then you simply move on.

why is cooperation important?

"Cooperation is important because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits" By using communication along side to cooperation it "allows participants to exchange valuable information that helps both sides improve their knowledge bases and work in a time- and resource-efficient manner". Meaning to cooperate with others is essential especially when wanting to further my knowledge and resources with others.

Reflecting on both of these theories to networking is that affiliation can have a faint line of personal and work life where as cooperation sets boundaries of what type of relationship it is. The affiliation relationships continue to develop and keep connected even after reaching its goal, which is a defined difference to coordination.

I would like to know and hear which theories you think benefit your profession?


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