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Showing posts from March, 2017
Updating my CV... After reviewing my last update and the comments I received on it about regarding my GCSE results and should i include them at my level. After researching across the web i found that the advise i was getting was; "You should also summarise your GCSE results eg 8 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths) rather than go through each one" ( UK Ltd. n.a) "Just the main ones like Maths and English unless others will support your application strongly. Do indicate how many you have in total!" (University of Kent. n.a) "Summarise, don't list, your GCSEs." (Monster Worldwide inc. [US]. n.a) So with this information I decided to take out my GCSE and just list my maths and English qualifications. See below... References UK Ltd. (n.a).  Graduate CV - what to include.  [online] Available: Last acc...
Task 1c. At first I struggled with this as to how I can approach it, so leaving it until now was the best choice. As I feel more confident with it and myself. I found that when recording it as me talking I was always correcting it or didn't like a section so I decided that wasn't for me. I made my mind up to go with a spider diagram look as so far I've learnt about myself is that this is how I learn, understand and picture things better.  I hope you enjoy watching it.  
Task 2c: Reflective Theory This task is focusing on my relationship with reflective practice, looking at existing tools with the use of critical thinking. My first thoughts when reading this task was what exactly in critical thinking? what is the definition?  I researched and came across that in fact there is no right or wrong answer.  "Critical thinking is to challenge a theory or a idea"  "critical thinking is the analysis of a situation based on facts..."  "critical thinking is looking at one's work or situation with value judgement"  These are just a few definition that I hand-picked out from "Critical thinking: An Exploration of theory and practice by Jennifer Moon" (Moon, J 2007) As I feel these helped me out the most.  Also finding a diagram of a cycle about critical thinking skills (Boundless, 2016) really helped with my understanding (see picture to the right), because I am a visual learner. So having it there as a...
  Journal Writing Experience My experience so far with reflective writing in my journal has been a task in itself as I'm not normally one for writing down feelings or events what has happened, so it's all new for me. I felt like looking back now and reflecting on my first couple of journal entry's, I find my self rambling on and not actually fully reflecting on the events or planning for the future or if the problem I had arose again.  To help with my reflective writing I decided to follow "Gibbs reflective cycle" on some entries I feel like this really helped me as it had the consent questions such as what happened? What were you feeling? What was good and bad about the experience? and so on... This got me to think more in depth about the events what happened and how I actual felt about them and how I could react to it if it arose again. I found that even though it helped me reflect and evaluate my days better I still found myself rambling on. A...
2D Images... As a dance teacher posting images and videos on Web 2.0 platforms, help promote me and my work to future employees. Also lets my students parents/guardians keep updated and see whats happening in the classes as well as the progress of the students. I decided to recently set up a teacher Instagram account. so go ahead and follow... Instagram: miss_ronnia ( I personally believe when using images and audio-visuals in a class environment, helps to get the story or aspect across to the students. As everybody learns differently some students may need visuals but some might understand with just vocals. Also when posting on web 2.0 platforms, people will like and share my pictures, videos and posts so this will help my work get noticed by others and also my students get noticed to.
Is Web 2.0 making us anti-social? Going back in time when technology wasn't around and we had conversations and met up and was being social-able. Now a days how many of you have everything on electrical devises? I know I do!! I use my phone and Ipad for literally everything. My music for classes, Banking, my dairy etc. Even though technology makes everything so much easier, is it in fact making us anti-social?  With technology and Web 2.0 always developing making it easier for people to maintain consent connection with friends and family through social media, which people are doing. "The problem, they say, is that we spend so much time maintaining superficial connections online that we aren’t dedicating enough time or effort to cultivating deeper real-life relationships." (n.a. 2015) I have to admit I do use social networking a lot to keep in touch with friends and work colleges. It just makes it so much easier knowing that they are a instant message away when need...
Overview of 1b   After reading through Reader 1 and focusing  on the 3 main topics of it reading in more depth as I feel like this helps me to understand and retain information better. It really made me think about how often and usefully I use Web 2.0 professionally. I have had Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts for a few years but all for my own personal use... I have always been careful as to what I posted on these sites as I now realized  how beneficial but also harmful sites are. So recently I have set up a profession Facebook and Instagram account for my teaching to keep my professional and personal life away from each other. When posting on my teaching accounts, I have to think of ethical considerations whilst using the web. I have to consider “what I a say, participate in and discuss with others on the web it is important considerations for professionals.” (BAPP, Reader 1, 2016/2017) So when using Facebook and other web 2.0 sources that provide m...
1b. Harnessing Collective Intelligence What is collective intelligence? Collective intelligence is an active field of research that predates the web, when groups of individuals collaborate or compete with each other, intelligence or behavior that otherwise didn't exist suddenly emerges; this is commonly known as collective intelligence. Obviously methods of collective intelligence existed before the internet. By using the web now gives us the ability to collect information from thousands or even millions of people. So using the web has now opened up many new possibilities. As Feenberg and Bakardjieva (2004) "identified that Web 2.0 allowed communities to develop beyond their 'existing professional networks' and offer a 'social space for people, strangers and almost strangers with diverse backgrounds to come together as equals, as generators of ideas, to deliberate and act collectively" This made me think about how and what people use the web for...
1b. Remixable data and transformations "Originating in hip hop and rap music, the notion that materials can be reused and rearranged for a new purpose is central to Web 2.0, where we as users share photos, music, text, ideas and opinions and 'riff off' each other to maintain and nurture dialogues." This isn't new in our industry just that the Web 2.0 makes it so much easier and faster to see and be inspired by another artist without mentioning them. Also with just a click of a button you can access artists' work from all over the world. It is good to be inspired by other artists' work to help create your own, but I think you should credit them when they make an impact to you as a person and to your profession. This made me also think about recent news of well known artists such as BeyoncĂ© "being accused of copying visual artist Pipilotti Rists 1997 project "Ever is all over" for the video" ( Sonis, R 2016)  of "Hold Up...
Professional Communication Technologies continued... Architectures of participation   "A phrase coined by Tim O'Reilly that is used to describe the nature of systems that are designed for user contribution. Architecture of Participation is a Web 2.0 concept in which a community of users contributes to the content or to the design and development process." (Beal, V. no date) Another definition of "Architecture of participation is both social and technical, leveraging the skill and energy of users as much as possible to cooperate in building something bigger than any single person could alone" (GoogleTalksArchive. 2012) Personally I use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networking on a regular basis. I use it to keep in touch with friends and family and seeing what is happening in the world by following news pages, such as BBC News and my local newspaper. I also use social networking to organise events and trips with my friend and family by mak...